The Power Of Breath

I lay in bed, nighttime has long fallen and my dreams are still waiting for me. Thoughts are swirling and life’s many questions are circling in my head. My breath grabs my awareness and everything else disappears. I start watching my body’s inhaling and exhaling as I marvel at the magic of vibration. When a thought enters my mind, my breathing becomes harder and loses its flow, so, I let my thoughts float away like traveling leaves and come back to the roots of my breath.

Life is all over the place, reality is a busy space and this journey is sometimes a chase; but, one thing is for sure – my breath will always leave a trace. The invisible words in my mind have a breath of their own, my voice has its breath, the trees have theirs, the wind flows through breath – the Universe breathes through us all. I think it’s the little things in life we sometimes forget and now more than ever, we have to remember the power of breath.

Our breath is an eternal reset. Life is up and down, our emotions sway, our heart opens and closes, our soul goes through many phases and this reality of our perception is ever-changing. But, our breath is always there comforting us along the way, connecting us to the Universe and to the miracles all around. If we all paid more attention to our breath, our words would have more power because we’d learn to use our breath wisely. There’s a flow to peace, it’s a zone we all know deep down. The key to that flow is breath because when we come back to our breath, we come back to our soul.

Breathe deeply in the knowing that you are connected to all, alive with purpose and made of the stars and the sun! Sometimes, a breath of fresh air is all you need to remember your strength, courage, light and magic!!!! I encourage you to take a few moments in your day to simply sit with breath and tap into its frequency – love. You are your breath, your breath is you!!

Be fearless and free -Ace

28 responses to “The Power Of Breath”

    • Aww thank you so much!!! I’m glad to hear that, you’re so kind!!! I’m always so touched and grateful by your support and encouraging words – means a lot!!! Hugs and love, friend 🖤🤗

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  1. The invisible words in my mind have a breath of their own, my voice has its breath, the trees have theirs – I love this Ace 💛 our breath picks up the vibration of everything that intersects us from out there or within. It is a bridge that connects and also reads from all our worlds. It is a powerful tool to anchor ourselves in our authentic being, and also empowers us to make choices that are nourishing to our soul. I agree with you, it is so beautiful that the Universe breathes through us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much!!!! I always appreciate your thoughtful and supportive comments – means the world to me!!! I so agree and I love what you say about anchoring in our authentic being…well said!!! Your connection, love and support always leaves me so touched…you’re awesome!!! Much love, dear friend 🖤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is such a beautiful synchronicity that today in my early morning meditation I was hardly breathing and there was utter peace.
    My Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, has given us a very powerful technique of meditation in which we watch our breath. Do check it out sometime:
    All his teachings are covered in Home Study lessons.

    Isn’t breath mind stuff Ace? Breath/Mind is all there is 😇

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that is a beautiful synchronicity, Ashok! Thank you so much sharing! And I will check it out…appreciate it! It is, you are so right…well said! I am always so grateful for your thoughtful words and kind support – means a lot to me!!! Hugs and love, dear friend 🖤🖤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    • It is indeed magical! Good job you, and yes…breath is all! Appreciate your thoughtfulness, support and connection – means so much!!! Much love, friend 🖤🤗


    • Aww KK, thank you so much!!! That means a lot coming from one of my favorite writers!! Yes, well said…it’s the most important. I’m so grateful for your kind support and connection – touched. Much love, dear friend 🖤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Ace, for your lovely words. I also like your writings. I think I have read all of your posts. Keep writing and stay blessed 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Yesss!! You are breath and breath is you! A truth in itself! Lovely, Ace. I think we think alot alike😊😊😉. A beautiful piece again. Keep the motivation coming dear friend ❤️😘💐🤗🌹👏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much, Diana!! Ah yes, I think we do! 😊😆 You’re always so kind, and I’m beyond touched by all the love and support you’ve shown me!! Grateful for you, amazing friend!!!! Much love 🖤


    • Oh of course, no worries at all!!! Glad you’re back!!! And aww, you’re so kind! I’m touched by your loving words…means a lot! Much love 🖤🤗


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