Break From Reality

My mission with my blog, is to raise people’s frequency by creating a break from reality for 3-4 minutes through my posts.

Ace – I was talking to my mom, and this just came out! 😂

So, to take that quote quite literally, today’s post is all about taking your mind to a new dream, away from the dream we’re all living. Each of our dreams are different, each of our realities are different. But, I think we can all agree on something, a little escape is needed at times. I promise you that I will continue to fulfill my mission of raising the frequency and creating a magical space to let your soul and your mind rest, I promise!

To start, some videos of course!!!!

Alive, is the finale video to my new sophomore album, FREEDOM! If you need some extra inspiration or encouragement, FREEDOM is the place to get it!!
This video, Dreaming Harmony is from my debut album, IMAGINE + REALITY!

Now Some New Poems!!

on my mind 💛
fateful 💙

How bout a story??

She closed her eyes, but opened her ears. The silence was comforting, but the gentle whisper of air let her eyes wander. Her mind went to sleep, exactly how she liked it. Her soul, however, started to roar. And when her soul roared, her intuition awakened. This tingle in her gut spread to her whole being creating a twinkle in her eyes. Her vision was clear, she saw a big, strong tree with large roots and leaves that danced in the wind. Behind it was the sun, illuminating its energy and creating the dreamy aura that engulfed this tree. She was then shown a baby tree, small little roots and baby leaves just starting to emerge. But behind this vision, the starry night lit the tree up. The sparkle in the stars and the comfort of blue, charged this baby tree with the force of life. Then the visions started flashing, baby tree then big tree over and over again. Her intuition delicately whispered, “Ground, you’re ready to grow.”

A Little Message To You

My fellow souls, this journey is quite a ride. Love, is the only constant. The power is all in you to create the bubble of reality you wish to live in. I practice throughout the day, imaging a little bubble keeping my energy close and protecting me from the outside world’s reality. Life is lived in the moments you choose to truly be yourself, not the moments that are about you. Time is non existent, our minds create this time loop. Open your mind, heart and eyes; the Universe has so many plans for you! Let light take over your being and electrify your soul. I believe in you and send you so much love!! Thank you so much for reading and I hope this piece helped you on your journey! Be fearless and free -Ace

23 responses to “Break From Reality”

  1. Your post is a powerhouse treasure trove of high frequency 🙂 There is no way to stay in this reality after reading it fully but to elevate to higher alignment. I love the declaration of always ready for the truth, knowing fully well Love is the constant, we only need to choose the freedom to live while fully alive!

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  2. I’m reading this after conducting a very powerful self healing session in which another layer of fear was removed so that my soul can continue it’s journey to freedom! Alive speaks all the truth I know to be within my being. Accessing my fearlessness and choosing to be the light has taken years, walking in both light and darkness of shadows. Today, I feel most alive when I’m dancing, which I couldn’t help but do while watching that clip💃 What a divinely timed and beautifully expressed post Ace ❤ Every word of it felt like it was written on my own soul and what I intend for myself everyday!!! So much love sister🥰🌈🎆🙌

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my gosh, this message fills me with so much joy and gratitude!! Thank you so much for your loving, kind and thoughtful words and support!! It truly means a lot to me, from the depths of my heart and soul, I am so grateful!! Awe, envisioning you dancing to that video makes my day!! Here’s to being ALIVE!!! Love you sister 🤗🤗💛

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    • Awe thank you so much Cait!!! I answered you many hours ago…I don’t know why WP didn’t put it through, sorry! 🤦🏼‍♀️ When I was making “Fateful” it reminded me of you, something about those pink clouds made me think of your website logo!!! You inspire me, and I am so grateful for your kind, loving and always thoughtful support and touching comments!! Love you friend 🖤🖤🤗

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