Joy In Happiness

Are you happy?

It’s such a simple question, yet one we often forget. Happiness has always been a weird thing for me; at times it has seemed fake, at times the public eye has made it more of a scam than something real and at times I just never resonated with it. Joy resonated with me more because it seemed deeper, it seemed more real.

I do think there’s a difference between joy and happiness. To me, joy is a feeling within, a knowing and an intrinsic/intuitive vibration or emotion. Happiness is an outer glow, a simple smile and something external bringing positivity internally. One is not better than the other, they are both equally powerful; this is just my ever-changing perception as of now.

Through reading and hearing the Universe’s signs, I think happiness is more real than I ever let on. Who knows, that might change, but for now it’s how I feel.

What I’ve noticed as of late, is happiness can be felt even when we are still sad. Like an ocean whose abyss is dark and deep, but the shallow waters above are glowingly beautiful. Not to say happiness is shallow, I think it’s more of a layered feeling than we might realize.

Joy, to me, is a full body/soul illumination. It’s a smile from the heart and soul, not just the lips. But, happiness and joy work together; to feel joy you have to know the feelings of happiness, and to feel happiness you have to know the foundations of joy.

Joy, happiness…they’re both labels, but such deep labels ripe with wonder, imagination and emotion. I’m excited to see where my perception dances with these two labels. I’ve definitely changed a lot these past few weeks and I see that continuing. Whether you believe in joy or happiness, I know you know that feeling within. That feeling where all seems so perfect, like the stars have aligned specially for you. Like your heart beats just a little louder because the glow of your soul is bright like the sun. It’s that feeling we all run to, because it’s electric, it’s the purest part of our beings.

Wishing you infinite happiness and joy! And I cheer you on through this journey of learning and always-changing perceptions!!!! Be fearless and free -Ace

44 responses to “Joy In Happiness”

    • Aww thank you so much, Riya!!! I always appreciate your kind support, means a lot my friend!!!!

      I did read it. Your honesty and vulnerability is admirable! The last sentence is probably my favorite part…humanity is a work in progress. We’re all doing our best, but protecting ourselves and growing each day is all we can do! I noticed a little Ava Max in there too 😉😁. Glad to see you writing again 🖤🤗💖

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      • Thanks ace! You are truly the best. I don’t even know how to reply to your comments! Haha yeah Eva max! I take one one line from songs and then write on them.
        Thanks a lot dear ace

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    • Awww thank you so much, Anvi!!! I’m so happy to hear that!!!! Thank YOU for your thoughtful, kind and loving support – makes me happy and joyous!!!!! Appreciate you, dear friend 🖤🤗

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  1. A gorgeous piece, Ace! So much positivity and happiness exude from this one!! Happiness is actually difficult to explain, it is something one feels. But you have captured the essence of the very meaning of happiness, really well! Stay blessed and be happy always!!love you! 💗💗🤗🌷🎁😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much, Diana!!! Yes, it is hard to put into words…rather something we all know deep down! Awww I’m so happy to hear that!!!! You’re the best, my dear friend!!! You’re a true gem/gift on this WP journey, so lucky to call you a friend!! Grateful for you and your always loving support!!!!!! Love you 🖤🤗

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  2. Brilliant write up dear Ace. 👏👏 I always feel blessed to read your posts, it’s amazing to see how deep and accurate it conveys your thoughts. And how clearly you differentiate joy and happiness, couldn’t agree more 🤝
    Keep up the great work dear Ace. Your work inspire me day by day ❣️❣️🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much!!!! Awwww you are amazing! Words really can’t express how touched and grateful I am to you for all the love/support you shower me with – just know you mean a lot to me and reading your comments always lights up my days/makes me smile!!! I wish I could hug you, my dear friend!!!!!! Here’s to being happy and joyous together!!!! 🖤🤗

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  3. Beautifully written as always Ace. I too find a vast difference between joy and happiness. May you always be blessed with an abundance of both, my friend. Truly enjoyed this wonderful piece!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, this blogger community is indeed amazing and full of joy/happiness…I’ve definitely learned a lot too! Thanks for your thoughtful read and comment, much appreciated!!!! Love and light 🖤💫


  4. Such a lovely read, Ace….I truly agree, there’s difference between joy & happiness….your words go right into me….you write with your inner light….keep shining ✨❤️💫

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! Yeah, the depth to happiness is more real than we realize! I always appreciate your thoughtful support and connection, you’re awesome!!! Much love 🖤🤗


  5. A beautiful post, as always, dear Ace! AND, your book is AMAZING! I finally got to read it yesterday. Wonderfully written. Your narrative is elegant and transformative. I adored the journey! Hugs and love to you, my friend! 🤗🤗❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww Jeff, thank you so much!!!! Wow I’m so happy to hear that about my book!!!! How kind of you to read it and leave such a beautiful comment about it, I’m so deeply touched!!!! Lucky to have you, my friend!!!!! You’re awesome, and I can’t thank you enough for your support!!!! Much love 🖤🖤

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome, Ace. Always. It was my great pleasure to read your lovely book! Beautiful. Thank you, my friend, and I, we, are all lucky to have you.❤️🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for all the happiness and joy and love you keep sharing with us Ace💖🤗

    You love that feeling of happiness and/or joy – words as you have said are just labels. When I am sad and still comfortable with it – I call that peace.
    And for me Joy is the fruit or the reward or the result of the deep stillness after meditation. From Joy I have come, in Joy I live, and in that sacred Joy I shall melt again 💖🙏

    I big hugs my dear friend 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww you are so kind, Ashok! I’m always deeply touched by your loving and thoughtful words. You continue to inspire me, my dear friend!

      I LOVE what you say about peace, that’s a beautiful perspective. And wow, your words about joy are so powerful/perfect…I deeply resonate. Thank you for sharing. Your book actually started changing my perception of happiness in the best way…your simple but deep words led me to believe that happiness is more real than I’d thought. Thank you so much for that 🤗🤗

      Big hugs and much love 💖🤗

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  7. I had never thought of this distinction between joy and happiness. An interesting read, Ace. But what I feel is that both joy and happiness are relative. The same trigger may be perceived differently by different people, and even by the same person at different points of time. Thank you for this thought provoking piece!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank YOU for your always kind, supportive and thoughtful connections!! That’s well said and I completely agree…it’s all about perception. Appreciate you, my friend! Thank you for always being there 🖤🖤🤗🤗

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  8. Beautifully written, and made me think about and identify the difference from my own perspective.I feel happiness when I’m feeling Peaceful and contented and not worrying about things, whereas joy for me is a more illuminating experience that surges through me making me feel euphoric at times….different things can trigger this, but sometimes it’s just a beautiful mystery 🙂 💙.

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    • Thank you so much, Mairi! I’m so glad to hear that as it was my hope with this piece! I LOVE LOVE your words here, they deeply resonate and I feel very similar ways about happiness and joy. Euphoric is the perfect word for joy. Beautiful mysteries indeed, well said 👌🏻. I truly appreciate you, your support and thoughtful connection – means more than you could know!!! Hugs and love, my friend 🖤🤗

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  9. Ace, I am marvelled by your words, they’re so brilliant and incredibly thoughtful, and they resonate with me so much! Love this post, you’re amazing, brilliant friend. The way you understand the universe is magnificent 🥺❤️

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    • Awww Rishika, you’re the best!! You leave the kindest and most touching comments – I am beyond words grateful!!! I’m so glad to hear that…YOU are amazing!!! Appreciate you, my lovely friend!! Big hugs 🤗🤗


    • Awwwww thank you so much!!!! You are so so kind!!!! I’m truly happy to hear that and your support means a lot to me!!! So happy to connect with you, my new friend!!! Hugs and love 🖤🤗💖

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  10. I agree my dear, joy and happiness are so closely related yet different. Joy is when you have made peace with something and internally have a contentment that nothing can disturb. Happiness is triggered by outside events, eternally by people, events or objects. Both feelings are of course fleeting because how would we learn anything if we were only perpetually any one emotion. I air for inner peace and calm throughout my days. Sure Happiness pops up here and there but mostly peace and love, the next loving action, gesture or thought. Peace,love, joy and light to you with enough shadow dear Ace to see you through 🌠💛😊🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, sis!!!! And thank you for sharing these wise and thoughtful words, I totally resonate. I love what you say, “how would we learn anything if we were only perpetually any one emotion?” YES, so well said! As always, I’m super touched and grateful for all your loving support, it’s so good to have you back!!! Love you, dear Maria 🤗🖤💫

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