When it takes “too long” to come together
When success is harder to measure
They label it “being a late bloomer”
As if growth is just a rumor

I go through old words and journal entries
Like the way people talk about their twenties
I scan through old memories like it’s a movie
I watch the way a flashback will move me

A moment knows when you’re ready
When you find your flow steady
Life knows when it’s time for everything to click
The fire finds you, and it will stick

So, life and I met in a March from a few years ago
Danced till I realized how much I could still grow
Dreamed till I knew it was time to let go and fly
Listened till I decided to live with an inner high

It wasn’t a waking up or a new beginning
It was a decision to start winning
Winning my own confidence and love
To walk with consciousness within and above

To bloom is to bloom
There is no space for gloom
Timing flows when we don’t resist
Fire glows when we’re fearless to persist


42 responses to “blooming”

  1. So much to think about in this beauty you have prepared for us, Grace.
    It’s fun to consider the expression “late bloomer” when I think really life works differently, and every bloom that blooms is right on time. Love how you said it:
    “They label it “being a late bloomer”
    As if growth is just a rumor”
    Your conscious look into your life, your process, the path that led you to bloom a winner, a person very aware of the energies that surround us. The time that things take is always right on time. How wonderful if we could all spring from the head of Zeus all-knowing:) but we know it’s not like that.. In life we are on a learning path and you are a very generous traveler…you share what you have seen and learned along your way. I love how you do that, in these great verses, tight in rhyme that just say out-loud, “Hey, I have noticed it’s like this” “Have you?”
    Invaluable and generous sharing dearest Grace!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for this beautiful comment, dearest Karima!!! I think the process of “growing up” and “blooming” is talked about in the sense of how society wants you to do it…but it’s never talked about in the sense of being one’s own journey and process. So I truly appreciate your thoughtful read and perspectives!!! Awwww I love what you say about my verses…I do try and share a personal experience so the reader asks themselves that question within. You are just the best reader, my friend!!! Thank you for your most loving support and encouragement. Grateful for you and your presence in my journey 🤍🤗


  2. I love the line “I go through old words and journal entries” because it feels so quickly relatable and I just love the way it takes me back to learning moments of my own when I have gone through my journals.

    I enjoy too the encouraging feeling of the ending. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much, dear Layla!! I’m so touched to hear that, as it was my hope to remind people of their own growth :). Your comments always have a special place in my heart, thank you for being you 🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Time is just a perspective…everything happens when it’s supposed to…interesting how some people see things differently when they say or think “late bloomer”…”To walk with consciousness within and above”…such a profound poem, Grace ✨💟💫

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful poem, Grace. I loved this one so much.

    “So, life and I met in a March from a few years ago
    Danced till I realized how much I could still grow
    Dreamed till I knew it was time to let go and fly
    Listened till I decided to live with an inner high”

    These lines are my favourite and brings back beautiful memories from the past. A poetical treat indeed ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww Jan, you always leave the sweetest comments!!! Brings big smiles to know you loved this one, thank you so much!!! Truly touched by your loving support, appreciate you 🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  5. “It was a decision to start winning
    Winning my own confidence and love”

    This felt so amazing to read- your entire poem actually – nudges me to look back and take a walk through. These little choices in perspaectives, the way they shifted and continue to shift towards higher consciousness. You describe the journey with such gentleness yet powerfully.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Grace!!! I am speechless. The penultimate paragraph was just brilliant 👏 very well written sister. Keep the good work going and keep soaring new heights.😇🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a very thought provoking poem, Grace! I love how you perceived it that shows so much depth of knowledge and understanding. I liked these two lines most:
    It wasn’t a waking up or a new beginning
    It was a decision to start winning
    and the last stanza is so powerful and meaningful. Well penned, my friend 😊💖

    Liked by 1 person

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