Galaxy’s hold on my breath, soul and spirit is everlasting and effortless. When I say galaxy, I know it’s more than the illusion of the solar system; it’s the infinite Universe.

When I feel galaxy’s touch, the twinkle in my heart lights up and its sparkles illuminate the rest of my being. My soul knows the galaxy like its mother, born from the starlit branches that connect us all together.

The formations of the Universe make up my inside. I’m starting to get to know all the lights, funny enough, each one shines brighter when I tap into it.

Galaxy – I know you stretch far and wide and I think you have many more stories to tell. I thank you for creating a little home inside me. I promise to see you in each being I meet. -Ace

31 responses to “Galaxy”

    • Awe thank you so much Diana!!! You’re so kind, words can’t express how deeply grateful I am for all the love, support and connection you’ve shown me!!! Hugs and love 🖤🤗


    • Thanks so much Cait!!! As always your support, love and kindness means the world to me…I’m running out of ways to express it!!! 🤣 But truly, I hope you know how much you mean to me!!! Much love to you too 🖤🖤

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  1. I see the galaxy in everything you write✨ The Universe is always such a fascinating topic because it’s so vast and so open to all sorts of phenomena and possibilities. Brilliant write as always, Ace!✨ I loved the last line, ‘I promise to see you in each being I meet’🤗💕

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