Dare To Be – Out Now!!!!!

It’s finally here!! Wow, I cannot believe I’m actually releasing this! I started making this album in January and have been holding it since then and now to be releasing it all just feels surreal!

Just watch one, watch whatever stands out to you or watch what speaks to your heart and soul! Please comment with your thoughts, I’d truly love to hear and it would mean a lot to me! Each video is what you Dare To Be – so keep that in mind while you’re watching! Dive In and Enjoy!!!!

1. Joyous – 1:51

Joyous was the first video I made for this album. I was kind of in a weird mood mentally and going through some personal stuff, so I was like, “Just make a video, you’ll feel better.” And Joyous was born! This video is about daring to be joyous no matter who’s hurt you, who’s in your life or whatever you’re going through. You deserve your joy more than anyone else!!

2. Strong – 1:52

I made Strong a day after I made Joyous. There’s such a divine balance of being joyous but at the same time being strong; because you have to be strong to feel joy no matter what you’re going through. Strength is a broad topic, but I feel this video captures it well. In a world where the darkness wants you to go crazy, it is always within us to be strong.

3. Vulnerable – 2:03

There’s a slide in Strong that talks about vulnerability, and that is what inspired this video. I think there is a huge misconception when it comes to vulnerability, it is not weak, it is one of the largest forms of strength. I really hope this video inspires you to be vulnerable and to get to know your emotions; this video is close to my heart.

4. A Dreamer, A Believer – 2:12

A Dreamer, A Believer is kind of a magical video for me. I had this idea from the beginning of this project. Dreams carry so much meaning to me and belief, oh I could go on and on. I think these two things, dreams and belief, go so well together. And the song is beautiful, funny enough the song is called “Dream On”. The Universe is so cool!

5. My True Self – 2:09

My True Self is such a relatable video; I’ve gone through a hell of a journey to get to a place to be my true self no matter who or what comes my way! That journey was tough, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I hope this video inspires you to give yourself a little love and to truly shine as the beautiful, authentic soul you are!! On a whole other note – I love the music in this video, it’s very mysterious! Shout out to my Coach here, this album is a little tribute to him. I tried to wait till his birthday in July to release this album, but I couldn’t make it! He passed away in 2017, but he will forever be a big part in my journey and in becoming my true self.

6. Kind – 1:59

I was in a funky mood before making this video, but I knew I’d feel so much better once I made it. This is such a raw video because as I was making it, personal experiences were being flashed through my mind. I really loved the way this video turned out, there are a lot of fun slides. The music is spot on, I was actually trying to click a different song but, this song turned on and it was the perfect choice! Thank you Universe!!

7. Silent – 1:58

After I made Kind, I sort of took a break from making videos. I really got into a writing phase and videos took a back seat for a while, but, that strange feeling inside stirred up and let me know that it was time to make another video! I love this video because silence has an odd reputation and I wanted to make my mark on it. Silence is where some of my deepest growth has come, its where I’ve gotten to know my soul and it is where I feel my most at home. The music is definitely different, the video is called Silent, so, I didn’t want the music to be too crazy and this song just seemed to fit!!

8. A Leader – 1:56

I made this video a day after I made Silent. I knew I should do a video about being a leader, but, as I was starting it I had second thoughts! 😂 A Leader is such a broad topic, I didn’t know if I could cover it all in one video. In the end, I actually really like this video and I think it talks about so many different types of leaders. The music is one of my favorites in the album, it is just so soothing.

9. Pure – 1:58

This video was so tough to make, I was stuck on certain slides for what felt like hours! I think Pure is a topic I don’t often write about and that made it more challenging. I also love the challenge for it gave me new perspectives on purity. I love the way this video turned out and the music is just perfect. It was tricky to make this video different from My True Self because these are very similar topics but also, quite different. Purity comes from the heart and I hope I captured that essence purely!! 😂

10. Creative – 2:14

This video is definitely different from the rest! It is a collage of some of my quotes from a certain time, and I left the effects out of this video for a reason. This video is about being creative and letting the creator in you shine, so I wanted the quotes and their specific designs to purely stand out, not the effects. The purpose of this video is to give you that little nudge to go create something, whether it’s writing, graphic design, drawing, painting, building, crafting or whatever; GO DO IT!!!! Creativity is within us all and when we access it, our vibration automatically recharges and connects back with love!

11. Divine – 1:58

I have to credit this video to my amazing team of family and friends. After Pure, I compiled Creative pretty easily because it was just a file of quotes and making a video out of it was pretty easy. But, then videos went on hold again, I don’t know, I just never quite felt in the mood. But, my cousin inspired me to get back into it and this video was born! So when I had decided to make this video, I knew the theme I was going for. I wanted it to be about taking control of your life and realizing that you are the creator, not the victim. I couldn’t title it “A Creator” because my last video is Creative. In situations like this 😂, my mom is the perfect person to go to! So, I had a conversation with her and she gave this video its title – Divine! I love this video and the way it turned out, the music is super fun and upbeat too! This is the perfect reminder of all the power within you, the Universe. And shoutout to my mom and cousin, thank you so much!!!

12. Thoughtful – 2:07

I made Thoughtful a day after I made Divine; the thought (ironically 😂) came to me and I realized I could put my own spin on it. I talk about overthinking a lot, it’s something I’m familiar with and have worked through over the years. My little mind used to sort of trick me into thinking I was being thoughtful and doing the right thing by thinking over every way a certain thing could go. But actually, it brought me a lot of anxiety. So, I wanted this video to give you a new perspective on being thoughtful and to remind you about two things – 1. thoughtfulness is about care not being full of thoughts and 2. it’s a really good thing to be thoughtful and listen to all your voices – just don’t get stuck in them and trust the voice that’s truly you, the Universe!

13. Electric – 2:00

Right after I made Thoughtful, the word “electric” popped in my head and I knew that would be my next video! I did not know that Electric would be my final video for the album until I was in the middle of making it. I don’t know, it was kind of this weird feeling that just told me, “This is it, this is your finale.” It’s always bittersweet making the final video, but, I knew I still had the bonus video to do! Anyways, I really love the way this video turned out. I’ve made videos about energy/frequency/vibration before, but, I wanted this one to be different – more electric 😂!! I tried to put some different and fun slides in this one to mix it up and the music had to be super upbeat. I knew this would be the song while I was making the video, I’d heard it a few times and I knew in my gut it would match this video’s vibration!!!

Well, there you have it – Dare To Be is all yours!!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and favorites – it’d mean a lot to me!! I poured my heart, soul, mind, intuition and the entirety of my being into this album and I’m so happy to be able to share it with you! This one is extra special and I can’t believe it’s already my 3rd album! We still have some dates to look forward to; 5.23.21 is the bonus video’s release (Are you excited? What do you think it is?) and on 5.24.21 I’ll be releasing the Q&A about this album. If you have any questions for the Q&A, let me know!! Thank you so much for watching and I hope this helps you on your journey!!! Be fearless and free -Ace

79 responses to “Dare To Be – Out Now!!!!!”

    • Awwww thank you so much, Riya!!!! You are so sweet!!! What do you mean by immature? Aww the ace…you’re just the best, Riya! Or should I say, the Riya!!! Your support means a lot, my friend! Much love 🖤🤗✨

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  1. Wow wow wow wow!! Ace!! Its awesome.. I’m really happy to see your album.. Its really marvelous.. You did it!! I love everything joyous, strong, a dreamer a believer all 12 I loved very much!! Such a fantastic albums.. And Congratulations my dear ace!! Really I became your fan my smart ace!!.Keep rocking my marvelous friend! Hugs and love🤗🤗

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aww thank you so much!!!!! You are so kind!!!! I appreciate you, dear friend!!!! I’m deeply touched by your support, I hope you know how awesome you are!!! Your encouragement inspires and motivates me, I can’t thank you enough! And I appreciate you taking the time to watch, much love 🖤🤗💫

      Liked by 1 person

      • Awww!! Most welcome dear.. It’s my pleasure.. You are very sweet and lovely!! My friend is awesome and intelligent that’s why I’m too That amazing friend is you dear ace.. Sure, in everything I will support ace.. 🤗🤗

        Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you so much!!! I’m smiling so big right now!!! Your kind words, love and support leave me so truly touched and grateful!!!! Appreciate you, my friend!!! And of course 🤗🖤

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      • Oh they’re not really singing videos, they’re more inspirational/motivational quotes turned into a cohesive video with music that connects! Appreciate the thought though, I doubt I’d ever share my singing voice publicly 😂. Much love, my friend 🤗🤗🖤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. AMAZING!!! That was an exhilarating and awesome experience , Ace!! I absolutely loved it. There were so many different great ones that I find it difficult to choose just one but if I must it would be “ The sun always rises, so do you.” Excellent work my friend. Oh and let’s not forget the great music! Well done as always, my friend. Much love to you.🙌💕🙌💕

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love them fab work….loved the vulnerability one💙💙💙

    El vie., 21 may. 2021 17:01, Fearless Free Soul escribió:

    > Ace posted: ” It’s finally here!! Wow, I cannot believe I’m actually > releasing this! I started making this album in January and have been > holding it since then and now to be releasing it all just feels surreal! > Just watch one, watch whatever stands out to you or ” >

    Liked by 1 person

      • You are so welcome and Thank you for your kind words. I fairly new here but loving every minute of being part of such a creative beautiful space 💙💙

        Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank YOU so much, Lia! You’re always so kind and sweet! Appreciate you and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts 🤗🤗🖤


    • Aww KK, thank you so much!!!! I’m beyond words touched!!!! Thank you for always being there since the beginning and for your endless support. I cherish our connections and appreciate you!!!! Hugs and love, dear friend 🤗🖤✨

      Liked by 1 person

    Ace!! I don’t know what to write in this comment, if I start quoting my fav stuff, my comment will be about 5 feet long, SERIOUSLY.
    these videos can make someone’s day so much brighter, I love them so so so much. Your hard work shows so clearly in these.. so so thoughtful and uplifting and authentic and mindful… and … YOU!
    I won’t mention my favorite one, it’ll be unfair to the other ones, and also I love them all so freaking much. So simple and grounded, yet life changing.
    You rock, amazing friend. I can’t emphasize enough, this album is so heart wrenching. You deserved your joy 😉❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwwwww Rishika, you know you are just beyond words amazing!!!!!! I don’t know to respond, you’re just so sweet and incredibly kind! This comment makes the whole process of making the album worth it!!! I can’t thank you enough, seriously! You are OUTSTANDING!!!! I can’t begin to describe my gratitude to you or how deeply touched I truly am!!!! I’m smiling ear to ear…I’ll remember these words for a long time!!! Thank YOU, my dear friend. Never forget what a bright light and start you truly are. Much love 🖤🤗🤍

      Liked by 1 person

  5. And now for my questions for your Q and A —-
    – what inspired you to make this album?
    – if you had to chose between two traits – kindness and vulnerability- which would you chose and why?
    – how are you so soulful? (I’m sorry I just had to put this 🤣🤭💓)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, my dear friend! I’ll include those, minus the last one 🤣. You’re the first to have ever left questions for my Q&A’s, so big thank you!!!! Ah hahaha, you’re too kind and awesome!!! It’s encouragement like yours that lets my soul shine!!! Grateful for you 🖤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh my! What a lovely collection, Ace! I watched the vulnerability and true self videos and they are outstanding! You are so multitalented, and the messages are gorgeous. So much truth in them both, my dear friend. I will be back to watch more. Oh, and the music is AWESOME!! Well done! ❤🤗❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much, dear Jeff!!! You’re awesome!! I can’t thank you enough for your beyond touching support, means more than words could ever say! I appreciate you watching and your encouraging words!!! Lucky to know you, amazing friend!!! So glad to hear you’ll be back 🤗🤗. Hugs and love 🖤🤗🤍

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  7. Ah yes, so many dimensions and endless possibilities!! Joy is created as we keep embracing the pain, as you so keenly articulated my sweet soul sister!! This is so outstanding! YES, date to be….a human being!! It’s easy to miss out on all the joy when you’re distracted or stuck but once you realize that it’s readily available once we choose to focus on love. Your video creations are packed with do much love it’s a sight for all the senses🎆

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much, dear Maria!!! I truly appreciate your loving, thoughtful and supportive words!!! I love what you say about joy here, totally resonates with me!!! I’m deeply touched by your love filled comment, brings big smiles!!! Thanks for being YOU, my dear sister!! Hugs and love 🖤🤗💫

      Liked by 1 person

  8. “Joyous”! That was such a good opening. Wow I like “A Dreamer, A Believer” so much too. You are just so talented in whatever you do. Loving the shifts in the songs all some of the different styles and sounds you’re using. Each song sounds different but they also sound like they’re coming from the same area of love. You’re in the creative zone!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwwww Ben, thank you so much!!! I’m so happy to hear it!!! This comment brings a huge smile to my face and makes my day!! I feel so truly grateful for your loving support, means more than I could ever express! You’re awesome, dear friend!!! Appreciate you, much love 🖤🤗💫

      Liked by 1 person

  9. One track better than the other my dear dear free and fearless friend. I was looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Vulnerability and so good to see being vulnerable makes us free!! So much to learn from you Ace 👏
    Love and blessings 💖🤗💖

    Have saved it to listen at leisure

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwww thank you so much, Ashok!!!! You’re the best! I was so looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this album and I’m truly happy to hear you’ve saved it!!! I appreciate you and your touching support, thank you for always being there!!! I cherish our connections and your comments have a special place in my heart, always!!! Hugs and love, dear friend 🖤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Dear baby…I need pages to comment on every video. 😊😊 Such an awesome work. I really enjoyed seeing every album and I have forwarded this to few of my friends already. ❤️❤️ It’s motivational, inspiring,amazing,excellent and wonderful videos. I could see your hardwork behind every video ❤️❤️.
    This deserves a standing ovation. 👏👏
    I so loved every second of every video. But to pick my favourite is “My True Self”
    Say it with me…. Ace has done a beautiful job. 👏👏👏 . Love you dear for you are unique and amazing!!!! 🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww Preeths, thank you so much!!! You are so sweet and beyond kind!!!! This comment makes my week!!! Your bright energy is palpable, I wish I could hug you!!! Aww I’m so happy to hear that!!! You’re the first to pick, “My True Self” as your favorite, it’s one of mine too!!! I am so grateful for your thoughtful support and supportive connection, you’re truly the best!!!! I can’t thank you enough, just know words can’t truly begin to express my true gratitude to you!!!!!! Love you, amazing friend 🖤🤗🤍


  11. OK.. Now I’m dumbfounded!! I don’t even know how to praise you, Ace!! This was just soooo beautiful! I can’t even imagine the hard work you went into making this!! I loved ‘vulnerablity’. I could relate to it.. Alot!! Because I am a very much vulnerable person☺️. I don’t know how you do it, but really…. Outstanding!! Very proud of you Ace!!! Stay blessed and keep rocking!!! 😊🤗❤️💐👍🎁🌹💕💕👏👏👏

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awww Diana, thank you so much!!!! You are AMAZING!!! You bring big smiles to my face and heart, I’m so deeply touched!!!!! Well this comment makes all the hard work worth it, truly!!! I can tell, dear Diana and it’s what makes you so beautiful, in touch with our lovely Universe and so truly alive!!! You inspire me in many ways!!! Words truly can’t express how much your kindness and support means to me – thank you for everything! I appreciate you, my friend!!! Much love 🖤🤗🤍

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank YOU!! So kind of you to comment, means a lot to me!!! Aww I’m glad to hear it, #12 is my 2nd favorite!!! And thank you, my friend, for your consistent support – I always appreciate it!!! Much love 🖤🤗


    • Awww thank you so much, D!!!! I’m so happy to hear from you, your support always means a lot to me!! And I truly appreciate you watching them, so grateful!!! Thank YOU for always being there since the beginning, you’re an awesome friend!!! Hugs and love, dear D! You inspire me 🖤🤗💫

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  12. Wow!! So many wonderful albums. You already know how much I love your albums🥰. I especially loved the one about vulnerability as you presented a very unique perspective on being vulnerable. I mostly heard that it makes one weak but, your interpretation is just amazing.
    Some of them are still left to watch, I will visit and drop my thoughts again☺.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you so much, Anvi!! I was so looking forward to your thoughts!!! Yay, I’m so glad to hear that…vulnerability should never be thought of as weak because it truly is strong!!! So grateful for you and your support, truly means a lot to me!!! You’re amazing, my dear friend!!! Hugs and love 🖤🤗💖

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  13. DARE TO BE!! Ace, this is AWESOME! You are literally a GEM! I am so impressed. This is marvellous! Lots of love to you, dear friend! ♥️ I’m always there for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww Geet, thank you so much!!! You truly make my day!!!! What a touching comment, I’m so deeply touched!!! Grateful for you and your beyond kind support, you’re amazing!!! And I you 😁. Hugs and love, friend 🖤🤗


  14. A true masterpiece, again you painted something that I was able to experience visually, audibly and emotionally! My favorites are Silent and Stronger, I especially like the unique music in Silent. Also my favorite quote is “Every moment you have the power to choose the way you live your journey” in Joyous. Awesome job Ace!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you so much!!!! This comment makes my day, you’re always so thoughtfully supportive of my videos – means more than I can say!!! Silent is my favorite too!! So grateful for you, my dear friend!!! You inspire me 🖤🤗🤍

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  15. Alright, dear, Ace, I made some more time on this beautiful sunny day to watch more of your videos. I have to say that impressed is an understatement in language, how they feel. They are amazing, amazing. I’ve been in leadership for years, and all of your videos, especially the leadership video, touch on so many important concepts and practices in leadership. WOW. I adore them all. Keep leading and inspiring, my dear friend. Lovely!! ❤️🤗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Omg Jeff, you make my weekend!!! How awesome of you to watch more videos, I’m beyond touched!!! Awwwww I don’t even know what to say, words are such an understatement!!! Thank you for your encouraging words, kind support and most loving energy – you’re the best!!! This comment and all of yours will live on in my heart forever!!! You inspire me, truly!!! Hugs and love, thank you for everything 🖤🤗


      • Awe, you are so very welcome, dear Ace! Always, always. I am so glad to know this. It’s just like a mirror, my dear friend; inspiration, love, and connection all-around. Beautiful. Have a lovely Sunday!! ❤️🤗

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    • Aww Anvi, you make my day!! How kind of you to watch all the videos! I am so eternally grateful! Words can’t begin to describe how much it means to me, I’m so deeply touched!!! Love you, my dear friend! I appreciate you 🖤🤗

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  16. Ohhh how glorious A Dreamer, A Believer is!!!
    I really resonated to this one, Ace, and I agree with you…The dreaming part is always necessary to do something…anything, but we make it a reality when we believe we can! Your message is so clear and you are so right.
    Your videos not only inspire, they motivate real action in us….Your positivity and your experience working in these “realms” is a real beacon that you generously share with all. Bless you for your wisdom and your large heart Ace!❤️🙏❤️

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    • Awww Karima, you leave me speechless!!! This comment makes my freaking week, you’re the best!!! Thank you for your support and for always leaving such thoughtful, kind, touching, inspiring and special comments!!! I LOVE what you say about dreaming and believing, that’s exactly how I feel. Awwwwww I am beyond elated to hear that as it is my goal with my videos!!! You’re amazing, my dear friend…I wish I could express my full gratitude to you, but words don’t come close. Big big hugs, dear Karima. I appreciate you 🤗🖤


  17. Who are you?….Oh, I know you….You are….the Universe….the Being….the Divine….the Love….The Energy….The Kindness….A Dream….The Reality….A Believer….Even the Pain….The Strength….A Tear….A Smile….The Shine….The Creativity….You dare to BE….You are….Purely….YOU….I’ve just watched your whole album….it’s heavenly, so beautiful….words of wisdom….eternal truth….Could write more?….Oh yeah, for sure….it will fill the whole page…Ace, I’m once again blown away….you put so much effort in creating these videos….I’m amazed….Thanks for your beyond beautiful sharing….Much love 💖✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Navin Navin Navin, OMG…you make me so speechless yet again! That’s just how special this comment is to me!!! You make me dare to be more….I’m always so inspired by your support! Wow if only words could express how much it means to me that you watched all the videos, you’re seriously amazing/special…thank you so much for taking the time!!! I appreciate you and your loving energy, your support has literally made my weekend. So much love, dear friend 🤗💫🖤🤍

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      • I was looking forward to this….I watched once a video you published….I loved it….when you announced your new album…..I wanted to check it out right away….but I had to allow time to myself….you know, the highs & then the lows….they show me the reality….my reality….yesterday, I was all alone….what a guy gotta do when he’s all alone at home….check out the blog 😉….to simply prolong the positive effect of your “oh wow” videos 💫🤗✨

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      • Awww that’s so kind of you!!! I totally understand and am so touched you went back to watch them. Ah hahaha, you’re awesome…thank you so much once again!!! 🤗🖤

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