How Are You?

How are you?

Let’s dive into the depths of this question!

This question flies around constantly, more than we even realize. We ask it, we answer it, and we accept it as common courtesy. But what if we did more than give a one-word reply, what if we expected an honest answer every time we asked this question? I believe if we gave more attention to this simple conversation of, “how are you?” we’d live in a much a different world.

The other day, as I was walking into a restaurant, I asked, “how are you?” And I got the classic answer, it was all of a 15 second conversation. I have that conversation almost daily with people, as I’m sure many of you do. For some reason, that specific day it stuck with me. Why do we settle? We’re all human, we’re all in this life together – so why not connect?

I noticed when I asked the question of, “how are you?” I just naturally expected the one-word reply. I realized, maybe if I was to expect a more connective answer, a more honest answer, I’d receive it — whatever you expect, you receive.

Energy, frequency and vibration are the most powerful things in this Universe. We all have the gift of being able to feel energy because we are energy. In this case, it all starts with the energy of how we ask this question. The game of energy is like the game of catch/throw – throw some high vibrations, catch some high vibrations. What you give is what you get.

I know, we all lead busy lives, and we all have our ups/downs. And somedays, answering “how are you?” in an honest way seems like diving down a vulnerable rabbit hole. But what if we were to open up just a smidge, what if we were honest with our souls? Think about it, could anything “bad” really happen?

Vulnerability is the first step to anything, and when we are vulnerable, we can lean into our feelings and use them to jump!


The next time I ask, “how are you?”, I will smile and let my aura spread the highest vibration of love. I’ll expect a connection and I’ll open my heart to the moment. You never know how you can touch someone or make someone’s day. A bit of kindness or an honest check-in of how someone is feeling could totally change their outlook on life. We’re all here to help each other.

The next time I answer, “how are you?”, I will smile and let my aura spread the highest vibration of love. I’ll check in with my feelings and trust my intuition on how to share. I will protect my energy, but I will put my full effort into being authentically me. I’ll throw the frequency ball back with an honest answer, maybe it’s just a sentence or two. But I will take a leap and connect, because connection makes us human. In a world testing our freedom to connect, I will always open my arms.

So, how are you? 😊

PS – Shout out to my family and some friends…in honestly answering “how are you?” with them, I got to see this in a new way. Good conversation is such a gift to me, and I feel blessed to experience it with some amazing people.

My debut book, The Waking Dream is out now!! To purchase, click here for more info!

65 responses to “How Are You?”

    • Aww thanks so much, my dear friend!!! I truly appreciate your sweet words, you’re awesome!! Thank you for all the support and encouragement, means a lot. Much love 🖤🤗


  1. Excellent post, dear Ace. I totally agree, I feel that when people ask ” How are you?” in a casual setting, it is more out of courtesy, so if one was to answer honestly it could take others off guard. So my theory is that that’s why most people answer with the usual “Fine, thank you” or ” Hanging in there”, etc. About a year ago , I decided to reword it by asking”How’s are you doing?” , “How’s your day going?”, etc. This has truly surprised me as I find that people tend to open up more with the phrasing.
    Amazing read, my friend. Truly enjoyed.❤️

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Hello. Hello I am not feeling the best but I am okay. Reading things like these and to know someone thinks like me makes my day much better. How are you?
    I did a similar post a couple of weeks ago. I feel the same exact way. This is a mirror! Lovely as always, Ace! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hello there, my dear friend!!! Thank you for honestly sharing your feelings, wishing you lots of love and high vibes!!! Aww you are so sweet ☺️, what touching words and I’m glad to know it makes you feel better! I am well, thank you…been so busy past few days, I feel good but would love a little slow down time 🤪. A mirror indeed, my friend! Happy to know you’ve had the same thought. Really appreciate your support and friendship 🖤🤗

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  3. I agree with Grace. It’s a simple question that has very complicated answers but we tend to limit it to one word. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel like opening up or maybe it’s because they are not the right person to open up to. I had an okay day and I’m really looking forward to the weekend. How are you, my dear Ace? This was a really thought-provoking post. I had written something similar to this several years ago 😃

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes exactly…I think we have to trust our guts in who to open up to. But we all deserve more than one word! Thank you for sharing your honest feelings!! I am pretty good…been a busy week and it’s getting even busier, so just enjoying it and finding peace in every moment! Really appreciate your kind words and thoughtful support, means a lot to me. Much love, always 🖤🤗

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Wowww..! My beautiful bestie, I’m truly touched by this post..! It’s truly amazing and fantastic..! “Energy, frequency and vibration are the most powerful things in this Universe. We all have the gift of being able to feel energy because we are energy.” I loved these above lines very much my sweetie..! And I’m feeling good dear..! I’m enjoying my day with my sweet princess, my beautiful bestie, my Cinderella ace..! Ace!! I have one doubt, ARE YOU AN ANGEL?? I ever seen a beautiful and fearless and positive bestie like you my sweet..! I wish I will met you one day..! Ahh noo!! Not only one day I will always stay with you..!😁😁🤗 And that day will be unforgettable day in my life..! Shall I bring cup of coffee for you my sweetie?? You’re such sweet and kind hearted soul my dear..! Keep shinning my dear ace..! Love you so much, my fearless bestie..!🤗🤗💕❣️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awww my dear Filarance, your comments are so very special to me!!! I’m so happy to hear you are touched by this post! Those are some of my favorite lines too!!! So glad to hear you’re doing well, awww ☺️ you are the best!!!! YOU are the ANGEL, my beautiful bestie!!! I can’t describe how grateful I truly am to you!!! I hope to see you one day too, it’d be one of the best days ever!!!! Ah yes, coffee please!!! You are just amazing, my special bestie!!! Thank you for all your support and kindness, means the world to me! Love you so much 🖤🤗🖤🤗

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      • Woww!! My sweetheart, I’m sorry for the late reply my sweetie..! But I’m promise you that I will never fail to reply.! You’re my sweetheart..! Wow!! It’s so fabulous to hear from you my dear..! You are very special to me my sweet..! Wow! Give high five 🙌..! I so glad to hear that these are your favourite too..! Woww!! You’re truly a gem..! You’re very unique..! I’m so lucky to have a beautiful bestie like you..! Yeah I too hope the same dear..! Oh my honey, sorry for the late coffee..! My support and love is always there for you my sweetheart..! Love you so much, my beautiful bestie..!🤗🤗🤗💕😘😘

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      • Aww Filarance, please don’t be sorry at all!!!! No worries at all! YOU are my sweetheart and very special to me too!!! Appreciate you, always! Love you so much, my sweet bestie 🤗🖤

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  5. What you said about introductions is on point. Sometimes we all get caught up in routine and not realize how we can change someone’s life simply by asking how their day is going and listening. It makes them feel as though they are important to you, and they are. Spiritually, I try and establish the ambience by claiming Who created everyone before entering the store, the room, the closet. It sounds like we’re on the same page, which is no surprise to me. You are love, and it is manifesting as a pulse in all your writings. 🙏🏾🤗

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    • Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and wise comment, I so appreciate it!! Yes, we really can change someone’s life by genuinely asking/listening…I love how you say that. It does indeed sound like we’re on the same page 😊, definitely not a surprise!!! Awww ☺️, what touching words. Thank you so much for always being there, you mean a lot to me. Much love, my dearest friend 🖤🤗

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  6. This topic lit my eyes and heart :))) It took me back to the time I contemplated a lot on this question How Are You, and actually wrote a whole post myself on it. I absolutely enjoyed reading your expansive and deeply conscious perspective of creating connection through every opportunity of interaction. There are no coincidences for who we encounter, mundane robotic greetings are missed opportunities that way. I would love to share my post with you if you would be ok with me sharing the link with you here 💛✨

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awww my dear soul friend, thank you so much. I love how you say “there are no coincidences for who we encounter.” I absolutely agree on so many levels. I was going to ask for your post on it, I’d be so honored to read!!! Really appreciate your sweet support and always deep connections, you’re such a gift in my life 🖤🤗💫

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      • Thank you so much for sharing this truly perfect piece. You effortlessly translated so many feelings I was hoping to get across through my words. Saying I deeply resonate is such an understatement…I feel each word so intrinsically. I really love “How is your heart”…my friend and I naturally started asking each other that and it means so much to me. The care in asking it and then the authenticity you must feel in answering it is such a beautiful connection. Thank you again for sharing more of your soul with me, it’s an honor to connect with you 🖤🤗

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      • I am so happy to know you read my contemplation on this topic ❣️ it was absolutely magical for me to read what you wrote too, it will stay with me now to become conscious in my energy and intention. I am so happy you liked the question “How is your heart?’ it is a beautiful one I agree. Thank you very much my friend 💝💛💝💛💝💛

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  7. Yes Ace, I too have thought about this at times..and when I really do want an answer more than one word, I find asking the question in this way..usually elicits a longer , more genuine response,
    “So, really, how are you doing??” I have yet that someone takes offense and many have opened up..or also I say, “How are you doing really…in this difficult time of the world”..I mean we are definitely in that!!…and we all know it..
    I think body position too might make the other person more comfortable to stay a few seconds..if they think they have your attention..If it looks like you are about to just move away, the one word answer is the only possible one..but if you are planted in front of them, smiling, friendly, some people would be happy to open up more. and as for me…I really feel I am in a good place in my life, creative,, grateful, and enjoying stable health///Thanks for asking Ace:):) 🤗❤️🌟🌹🌺😻🦋

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for such a wise, honest, authentically YOU, deeply thoughtful and touching comment!!!! You are truly the best, my dearest Karima. I love how you gently rephrase the question, funny how a few added words gets people to open up! Yes indeed, we are all in weird times and a little conversation could truly change our outlook on everything! A big YES to what you say about body position, I wholeheartedly agree. The presence and energy we bring makes such a difference. I am just so happy to hear that you are in a great place, makes me smile so big! Thank YOU for being such an amazing friend and for always supporting me. Love you 🖤🤗

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  8. Good conversation is such a gift and is bliss. All of it; especially when we can share our truth with someone, which, for me, means we are in an actual relationship. Alright, here is how I am, my dearest Ace. I am living the fullest life possible, authentic, and vulnerable always, walking straight into the most difficult situations, with love in my heart, and clarity in my mind. And, I am also exhausted, and in pain sometimes, which causes some sleep issues here and there; yet, you know what I get? That, the pain, the exhaustion, the sleepless nights sometimes, are also part of living the fullest life possible. I do not deny certain aspects of my humanity, in favor of others. I accept them all. Alright, how lovely it is that you’ve created such a lovely space for us today. Thank you. My turn. How are you, my dearest friend? Sending loads of love and hugs. 🤗❤🤗❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • My dearest Jeff, thank you so much for this heart warming comment. I appreciate your thoughtful read and connection, makes my day really! Thank you for sharing how you truly are – I am honored to listen! I LOVE what you describe here and the gratitude you weave throughout. I’m so happy to hear you are fearlessly facing the journey…sorry to hear pain visits you here and there but your positive outlook is sooooooo inspiring. You are one incredible soul, my dear friend. Aww it’s my pleasure to create this space, it is all of you who make it so special. I am well, thank you. Similar to you, I am loving life to the fullest. This week has been so busy and amazing in many ways, yet I am ready to slow down too. It’s a balance of enjoying the slow motion while living in the speed! Really appreciate you asking me, my amazing friend! You mean a lot to me, truly 🖤🖤🤗🤗

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      • You’re most welcome, my dearest Ace. I’m so glad to know that you are well, and I love how you’ve written about the paradox of motion – slow and fast, same. Beautiful. Thank you, my friend. The pain is part of the journey and I accept it within an open heart. Awe, thank you, dearest Ace. You mean a lot to me too. We have a beautiful connection that I cherish with my whole beingness. Much love and hugs to you, my dear Ace. ❤️🤗❤️🤗

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  9. A very interesting and apt post, Ace! You’re right… People just respond to the ‘how are you’ with the usual mundane ‘I’m OK’.. Or ‘Carrying on’. But what they really feel is hidden in their eyes and heart.
    I’m happy where I’m at, sweet Ace. It’s been an amazing poetic journey for me this past few months! Lots of ups and downs in my personal life, but I’m a very positive person, and hope is always around me. Life is too short to dwell on negativity. If I feel alone, I reach out to someone to talk to. It helps to a great extent.
    Hope you’re fine too, dear Ace😉❤️☺️🤗🌹🙏

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    • Thank you so much, my dear Diana!!! Yes, true feeling is hidden in the heart and eyes…how perfectly said, my wise friend. Thank you for sharing your honest feelings, I so appreciate it! I’m truly glad to hear you’re happy at where you’re at and enjoying the ups and downs! I know you’re a positive person, and a very hopeful one too 😊😉. I love how you say this “Life is too short to dwell on negativity,” -so so powerfully true!!! Your words always pack such wisdom and beauty! I am well, thank you!! Been a good, busy week and getting busier, but I’m working on enjoying every little moment along the way! Grateful for you, dear friend. Thank you for always being there 💫🤗🙏🏻🖤

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  10. Ace this is such a nicely written piece. I think it’s so so interesting to explore how individuals react to those three simple words. I love that some are brutally honest and others, like myself, are unwilling to ‘burden’ others with a response to the question. It’s so important to open up and this post definitely encourages that. Much love my friend ❤ ❤

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    • Thank you so much, my dear Cait!! It is definitely interesting, so many different avenues to explore! Awww Cait, it’s never a burden to connect or to honestly listen…I am always here for you!! Yes indeed, my friend, opening up lets us process emotion! Truly appreciate your special and thoughtful comment, always such a gift 🖤🤗

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  11. Wonderful post Ace, this is a great topic to raise awareness to, to reconnect humanity, to recognise we all have universal emotions and feelings, to share love and aid one another on our paths. Really awesome post. 🌹🙏🏻

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  12. I really liked it a lot sister 🤩🤩🤩 “We’re all human, we’re all in this life together – so why not connect?” So true sister 😥. From the beginning we have been thought to reply that simple question by-‘ I am fine.’
    Divide between people grew and they started becoming self-centred. Nobody bothered to know how one is feeling, either by fear or by negligence ( but there are people who really care). But as you said sister the change has to start from us.😇
    Thank you sister ☺️

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    • Thank you so much, dear brother!! I’m so happy to hear you liked this and are in agreement! Yes you are so right…divide grew instantaneously when we settled for being inauthentic. But here we are now, learning from our mistakes and making a change!! Always grateful for your thoughtful support and kind words, you’re truly awesome!!! Much love, always 🖤🤗

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  13. We have started using HRU, a short form for this short question, taken normally as a formality, and it’s answer is also equally short and formal, if there’s no follow-up question. A thoughtful piece, Ace with pearls of wisdom. Most of us will resonate with what you have affirmed in this beautiful article. Much love😊💖

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes KK, the question is getting shorter even though it’s already short 🥴. Thank you for your kind words and support, always means the world to me! I am eternally grateful to have you in my corner, thank you for everything 🙏🏻🖤

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  14. The moment I read “How are you?”, I knew it’s gonna be a great post….I think, I felt it already what’s going to come on “the table” before I even read it….solely based on my knowing of your profound writings….basically, YOU dear Ace….it’s so true that this question is mostly been replied by “I’m fine, thank you”….a kind of self-defence mechanism….so called etiquette & manner….So, I can crazy much relate to your post….perhaps, people are afraid of sharing & having the real conversation….I did once an experiment & I knew how the person would react….one of my colleagues asked me that golden question….with a shine in my eyes & seriousness on my face, I replied….”ok, now you must hear me out how I really am”….I started talking….my colleague interrupted me after perhaps 30 sec n said “ok, ok, you don’t need to really share, I was just asking you to start a morning conversation….nothing more…I was just being polite….you can just reply by saying you’re fine….I don’t want to know anything right now”… that time, I was literally laughing & I said to him, “then don’t bloody ask that question to me….ask if you really mean it, else don’t”…..he’s a really good friend of mine & we do talk about anything & everything over a cup of coffee or when we eat lunch in the canteen…I chose to experiment with him coz I knew he could handle me….he remembers it still….and one day he asked the same question once again just to tease me….then I looked at him & smiled without replying anything….he knew my reply was in that smile…and he smiled back at me….Ace, I love these lines….”The game of energy is like the game of catch/throw – throw some high vibrations, catch some high vibrations. What you give is what you get.”….Much love ✨🤗💫🤍

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    • My dear Navin, I don’t know why WP put this comment in my spam, so strange 🤪. But I am so glad to have found it, your comments are truly the best! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing this story. I LOVE that you took his question seriously, answered honestly and called him out on his intentions. Funny how people don’t always mean what they say 🤪. That’s so funny you guys still joke about it, I love that. I’m sure you opened his eyes a bit that day you fully answered “how are you?” The world needs more people like you, my amazing friend!!!! I truly appreciate you and your thoughtful support!!!! Those are probably my favorite lines too, really touched you quoted them!!! Much love, always 🤗🖤

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      • That was WP’s trick to make sure you find my comment on an unorthodox fashion 🤣….just joking, no idea….WP acts strange sometimes….you’re welcome for liking my comment, my dear Ace….what can I say, I’m perhaps a bit strange….I don’t get anymore the shallow talks with no density….no, it’s just not the deep talks I meant….but also the fun talks….they have both density & substance….I LOVE your priceless words….they are much more than only words….there’s a whole spectrum embedded in them….I truly, deeply, purely, surely, effortlessly connect with your profound writings….it’s the way you deliver your messages….Much love 🤗🖤✨🤍💫

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  15. I like how you mentioned, whatever you expect, you receive. This is something that I had never really thought about before. I think next time I’ll try it and see what happens. 🙂

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  16. So true. We are energy and can read energy. What we expect to receive and give off webattract or manifest. Powerful words.

    I’m good and grateful and going through a challenging phase at work for the past few weeks but I have a sting feeling all the hard work put, perseverance and faith is about topsy and turn the situation. How are you😊?

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    • Kevin! So good to see your name pop back up, always a treat connecting with you. Thank you so much, my friend. Yes, energy is all, all is energy…I totally resonate with your wise words. Truly appreciate you sharing your honest answer! Glad to hear you’re well…feelings always come for a reason, my friend. Aww kind of you to ask about me, I’m well thank you. Been a super busy two weeks, just trying to enjoy each moment and stay mentally balanced. Appreciate you and your support, much love 🖤🤗

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      • Hey Ace. Glad to be hear and experience this moment, enjoy your article and the conversation. It’s been a minute and happy to hear you are well and enjoying the present moments despite the tough weeks that you’ve had. I appreciate you to a bunch. Blessings and love 😊🖤

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  17. Oh dear Ace, I thought I will check your blog and ask how are you? because I missing your posts lately. And then I realized that this post wasn’t read by me and I somehow missed it. So now tell me, how are you?and please know I am missing your posts already ❣️❣️❣️

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    • Awwww my dear Preeths, you are just the best!!! I missed you this week too!! Im truly touched by you checking in on me, so grateful for you! I am well, thank you! Life has been good but super busy, just needed a little posting break this week! I’m writing more than ever though and I’ll be back posting next week, don’t worry!! Love you, my dear friend…I feel so blessed to know you!! How are you? 🖤🤗

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      • I am all good dear Ace. ❣️❣️ It’s so great to hear that you are doing good. I can understand how busy life is sometimes. 🤓🤓 Take your time and don’t forget to come back for us. 😍😍
        I am also busy with little things but I am hoping to post tomorrow. Love you dearie 🤗🤗. It’s the same here, I feel so blessed to know you too. Have a lovely weekend dear ❤️❤️🤗🤗

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      • Aww thank you for understanding…I miss you all so much and will definitely be back next week!! So glad to hear you’re doing well, can’t wait for your upcoming post!!! Your posts are always a treat! Love you always, my dear Preeths 🥰🤗🖤

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  18. Definitely something that needs to be changed!✨ I’m guilty of going ‘Fine’ to this question but most of the times, I’m simply not in the mood to talk about life 😂 Love your new decisions and hoping they contribute to beautiful changes! Here’s to building connections!❤️

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    • Thanks so much, my dear D!! Ah haha, that’s understandable! But we’re all in this life together, connection keeps us alive! Grateful for your thoughtful support and kind words, you’re amazing! Much love 🤗🖤

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  19. Powerful thoughts! This would make a big difference in the world and our connections with others. But its very easy to fall into the trap of dishonesty in answering this question, because it’s become too fromal of a question. Love how you express your ideas here. It’s simple and impactful!

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    • Thank you so much, Ben! I love what you say about falling into the trap…that’s a perfect way to say it. I always appreciate your honest answers to this question and the thoughtful way you ask me. Touched by your support, my friend…thank you for always being in my corner 💚💙

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  20. Wonderful post, Ace. I am routinely inspired by the authenticity of your writing. I am in a mess of struggle these days. Reading posts like these is a great reminder of the importance of connection – no matter where we find ourselves. Thank you for that. 💗
    How are you doing?

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    • Awww Sara, thank you so much for your kind words. Ah I’m sorry to hear that, thank you for vulnerably sharing. Out of struggles usually come big blessings, all will be well! I’m so happy to hear that as it was my hope with this piece. Truly appreciate your thoughtful support 🙏🏻! I am well, thank you. Lots of ups/downs but just growing through it all! Lots of love, my dear friend. Always a joy connecting with you 🤗🖤

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