we’re alerted by dings
through little boxes that light up our screen
we tune in when it rings
letting this machine set our scene

what if we were alerted by an internal ding
a little chime that lights up what’s beyond the screen
what if we tuned in before hearing a ring
living what’s within, creating our every scene

we once lived in a world without dings
a little existence lit up by humans, not a screen
we tuned in to whistles of nature, not blatant rings
listening to the heart, forgetting there was a scene

like anything, there is joy and goodness in every ding
sometimes the message lights up the inner screen
sometimes a smile comes when we hear that ring
knowing that connection is real and more than a scene

if we’re being fully true, life is more than a ding
being yourself is so much more than acting on a screen
there is a rhythm within, a natural ring
harmonizing our moments, aligning every scene


29 responses to “scene”

  1. You did it again Grace, you found a great truism of our day and held it up for us to see ourselves in your “scene” I of course have lived more of my life without those external digital dings, and agree, in the now it is so important to connect, to reconnect to our internal dings and as you say, “we tuned in to whistles of nature, not blatant rings” Ahh yes, in our modern times your message is very healing and it’s important/ I love how you find just the right words to deliver it. Congratulations once again, dear Grace on your natural wisdom and brilliance to put into simple words, these profound truths. Such a gift to have you back and posting these gems.🙏❤️🤗🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww Karima, you leave me speechless!!! This makes my day 😘. It is such a gift to be back and to be read by you again…your comments stay with me and ring (in a beautiful way :)) in my head through my days. Thank you for your deep understanding of this piece; your gorgeous and meaningful perceptions are such a treat to read. Thank you for being here and for being so truly supportive. You’re the best, dear friend 🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is our world, our reality, our way of being now – the ding. And yet it is important to at times wonder, ponder and try to find moments as if there are no screens – to find that space behind all noise and movement of today’s normalcy. There so much there is to appreciate all that comes through the dings too – your poem very wisely brings this together, awesomely done Grace.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I so love the way this taps into the idea of connecting with one’s inner intuition and growing out beyond the superficial experiences and satisfactions of our interactions in the digital world. Beautifully and poetically said! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Warren. Exactly…that was the point I was hoping to get across :). Appreciate your wise and thoughtful words, always 🤍🤗


  4. This is one of your best poems, Grace! So thought provoking and well meaning!
    we once lived in a world without dings
    a little existence lit up by humans, not a screen…
    You have very well highlighted the issue we are suffering from. A lovely piece of poem, my friend! Incidentally, ding in Hindi means “excessive self praise.”😊💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww KK, that means the world to me especially coming from you!!! I’m always inspired by your philosophy of this world, so I’m touched you enjoyed this piece. Thank you for such a thoughtful and meaningful comment that lights up my morning 🤍🤗🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thoughtful and heartfelt writing…
    “If we are totally sincere, life is more than a timbre.
    being oneself is much more than acting on a screen
    there is an inner rhythm, a natural timbre
    harmonizing our moments, aligning each scene.”

    Completely agree with your sentiment. To be oneself is to harmonize life in its very essence.
    Hugs, dear Grace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, dearest Jeff!!! I love your perception on this one, adds to this piece in such a beautiful way. Always grateful for your precious comments, my friend 🤍🤗


  6. I do light up when I get rings and internal dings from some of my favorite people in the blogosphere and IG and Twitter and YT (am I missing people) well, facebook too! 😆 Great analogies here, enjoyed!

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