a different me

music holds a memory
like a flower cradles its seed
the way one beat
takes me back to a timeline
the way the song title alone
takes me back to a version of you
a playlist for every mood
a playlist for every chapter of my life
relationships in their every wave
competing in all the different ways it has defined me
living as all the pieces of me finding each other
when failing felt like pain instead of progress
and when I look back through every playlist
memories fold on top of each other
words blend from my experiences to her lyrics
then the present hits me
and there’s a weird realization of sitting in my now
could I make a song from 2017 new again?
could I change the way a memory sticks?
as the chorus becomes a crescendo
a voice asks, “do you need it to change?”
if there’s beauty in who you are now
why would the past ever need to change?


45 responses to “a different me”

  1. So relatable to me dear Grace, this poem of playlists of your life” I love this idea, the metaphor and also how music can take you to visit all of those past loves, those past lives. Music , as you know plays such a strong role in my life and a song is as powerful as a smell, to transport me. You write this so beautifully, I was tempted to copy and paste so many lines, like :
    “music holds a memory
    like a flower cradles its seed” So perfect!
    “when failing felt like pain instead of progress” Oh boy Yes!!
    I found myself nodding in the affirmative all the way to your amazing ending.
    “if there’s beauty in who you are now
    why would the past ever need to change?”
    Oh promise me you will never change a thing Grace!! You are who you are supposed to be and it’s such a treat to see that:):)
    Just gorgeous writing all the way my sweet friend!!🌹

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww I’m so touched by this precious comment, dear Karima! Thank you so very much. I’m so happy you found this one relatable and real. Awww you are too sweet 🤗, I will always remain me 🤗. Thank you for being such a light in my days. You truly inspire me inside and out, and you’re a brilliant example of what it means to live. Smiling at your beautiful support through all these years 🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry, I just saw your beautiful response tonight.Your words touched me deeply dear Grace..thank you for saying this and it has been such a pleasure to read you since we first met. You are such a gifted thinker and express yourself poetically and sincerely. Big hugs to you 🤗🌹🤗


  2. Wow, the last line was a revelation for me. I listen to old playlists and albums that hold a certain era in my life. I try to overwrite the memories but reading this made me realise that the past needs to be accepted (the good and the bad).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aww thank you for sharing, Rahul. I’m so touched to hear you related to this one. The past is there for a reason, no need to change it :). Appreciate you and your always special comments 🤍🤗


  3. I love the way this has me thinking about my playlists and the way what I used to listen to has changed over the years. Music too always evokes very specific memories for me, so I love your musings on how the past as it is is necessary to who I am now. Beautiful writing! ❣️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aww thank you so much, Layla!!! Your comments are always so precious to me. So touched by your sweet words and happy to hear you loved this one. Appreciate you, dear friend 🤍🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely poem, Grace! It has so many ramifications that make readers ponder at every stage. A beautiful realisation, so refreshing, and so thought provoking! You’re the master of words and emotions. Musical touch to the poem gives a magical dimension. Simply gorgeous writing, my friend 😊💖

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Stunning as always, Grace!
    “could I make a song from 2017 new again?
    could I change the way a memory sticks?”
    There’s something so gorgeous and contemplative about these lines – absolutely beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rahul!! You are the absolute sweetest, I miss you! So sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to you, but please know I’ve thought about you and your writing many times. You’re the only person I’m responding to from my old comments as you are my favorite on here.

      I will be coming back soon and writing again, really hope to connect with you again. Life has been crazy but I’ve experienced so much good and learned plenty that I’m excited to bring it to my words. Hope you’ve been well, dear friend 🩶🤗

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