Goodbye Pain, Hello Joy

Hello friends!!! Today’s post is all about joy and smiling! I know a lot of people are struggling with some type of pain right now, whether physical, emotional or mental, I get it. But pain is ultimately just an illusion, labels give it power, but YOU are so strong, I know it!! So, today I’m going to share some past pieces of mine to help you rise, smile and say goodbye to pain.

To Start – Some Videos From My Debut Album, IMAGINE + REALITY

This is video is called Movie Making, it’s all about making your life the best movie by remembering that you’re the director, the Universe is your co-producer and at any time you can rewrite your script. I love the music, it’s very joyful and upbeat! I feel like this video is very relatable and a good reminder to take your life back into your own hands.

This video is called Amaze and it is the last video on my album. It kind of flows perfectly from Movie Making because it is all about happy endings! Happy endings, not just in the end of life, but in every single situation! Pain might be with you right now, but envision your happy ending, it will come to be in your reality because thoughts become reality. Imagine what you want to see in your reality, imagination is reality, hence the purpose of my album.

Above is the link to all the videos from the album, if you need a little more inspiration or motivation, that’s the place to find it!

Your thoughts fuel your body, feed your mind the best food and watch your body release all pain, and fear. Tap into your heart and realize your true power!!!

We’re born

Taught to survive

Forgetting how to thrive

Our childhood spark

Loses its magic

Because we forget

It’s right here

And always near

Don’t fear

It never dissapears

Find that spark

And make your mark


Had to end this with a new poem, so I lied, this post isn’t only my past pieces! πŸ˜‚ I hope these videos, images and this poem brought you laughter, joy, smiles and was a little escape from reality! I believe in you, you’ve truly got this!!

Which piece was your favorite?? Much love to you all. Be fearless and free -Ace

24 responses to “Goodbye Pain, Hello Joy”

  1. Hey Ace. This is great!! The video called Amaze is great, they are all really wonderful, I checked out the full album. You have an extraordinary mind and great knowledge. Truly uplifting and made me smile, actually tear up a little because of your powerful energy shining through your words.. β€πŸ™

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Lia!! I’m so grateful for your kindness and support! Always, we all need little boosts sometimes! Keep shining and sending you much love πŸ€—πŸ’›

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ace, your posts never fail to make me smile! Thank you so much for all this inspiration, it was much needed. I love everything, but the last two lines of the poem really speak to me! Love this ❀❀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the truth in this article Ace ! Everything is mind over matter ! Even depression can be overcome by not claiming these made up by theory β€œwords!”

    I really like the word β€œJoy.” This is the word I choose to define just about everything in life!

    Thank you so much for sharing your awesomeness !

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my gosh, that’s so cool!! Thank you for sharing!! I appreciate your consistent support and kindness, it means a lot to me. And much love to you as well πŸ€—πŸ€—

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved your post full of depth, laughter, joy, smiles and wisdom πŸ™‚ Yes labels solidifies are experience of pain. I loved the reminder of our childhood spark, that magical trust that we often lose growing up – we are truly responsible for how we experience life if we take it up live it intentionally so.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so so much!! I’m grateful for your kindness and for this thoughtful comment, I like how you say “magical trust”, that is an excellent way to describe it. Yes, our lives are in our hands, always! Much love to you my friend πŸ’›πŸ€—

      Liked by 1 person

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